
lib / com.tingyik90.snackprogressbar / SnackProgressBarLayout


class SnackProgressBarLayout : LinearLayout, ContentViewCallback

Layout class for SnackProgressBar.


Name Summary
OnBarTouchListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the SnackProgressBar is touched.interface OnBarTouchListener


Name Summary
<init> SnackProgressBarLayout(context: Context)
SnackProgressBarLayout(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?)
SnackProgressBarLayout(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int)
SnackProgressBarLayout(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int, defStyleRes: Int)


Name Summary
actionNextLineText val actionNextLineText: TextView
actionText val actionText: TextView
backgroundLayout val backgroundLayout: SnackProgressBarLayout
circularDeterminateProgressBar val circularDeterminateProgressBar: ProgressBar
circularIndeterminateProgressBar val circularIndeterminateProgressBar: ProgressBar
horizontalProgressBar val horizontalProgressBar: ProgressBar
iconImage val iconImage: ImageView
mainLayout val mainLayout: LinearLayout
messageText val messageText: TextView
progressText val progressText: TextView
progressTextCircular val progressTextCircular: TextView
roundedBackgroundLayout val roundedBackgroundLayout: LinearLayout


Name Summary
animateContentIn Animation as per original Snackbar classfun animateContentIn(delay: Int, duration: Int): Unit
animateContentOut Animation as per original Snackbar classfun animateContentOut(delay: Int, duration: Int): Unit
onAttachedToWindow onAttachedToWindowfun onAttachedToWindow(): Unit
onMeasure onMeasure for determining actionNextLine and message heightfun onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec: Int, heightMeasureSpec: Int): Unit
onSizeChanged Animation for when updateTo() is called by SnackProgressBarManager and size changedfun onSizeChanged(w: Int, h: Int, oldW: Int, oldH: Int): Unit
useRoundedCornerBackground Sets whether to use rounded corner background for SnackProgressBar according to new Material Design. Note that the background cannot be changed after being useRoundedCornerBackground(useRoundedCornerBackground: Boolean): Unit